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Jimmy Panchee Pick Bird Food For Finch, Zebra Finch & Exotic Birds -1200G

369 M.R.P 400
Availaible Quantity: (In Stock)
Product code: SGP117


  • Premium Quality Food For Finch & Exotic Birds
  • Nutritious Blend
  • 1200 GM Pack
  • 100% Natural

Ingredients: Yellow Millet, Amaranth Seed, Millet, Flax Seed, Corn Flour, Niger Seed, Alfalfa Meal, Wheat Flour, White Millet. Introducing a New Food: For better digestion it is best to introduce your pet bird to the new food over 10 days period, as birds do not accept to sudden change in their food. First 3 days feed a mix 3/4 of current food and 1/4 of Panchee Pick Bird Food. Next 3 days feed a mix 1/2 of current food and 1/2 of Panchee Pick Bird Food. Next 3 days feed a mix 3/4 of Panchee Pick Bird Food and 1/4 of current food. From the 10th day you can feed only Panchee Pick Bird Food to your pet bird.