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Jimmy Panchee Pick- Lovebird Food, 1200G

350 M.R.P 415
Availaible Quantity: (In Stock)
Product code: SGP116


  • Food for lovebird, nutritious blend
  • Quantity: 1200 gm pack
  • 100% Natural food for birds

Ingredients: yellow millet, white millet, sorghum, corn flour, millet, niger seed, flax seed, sunflower seed, wheat flour, alfalfa meal, amaranth seed, safflower seed. Introducing a food: for better digestion it is best to introduce your pet bird to the food over 10 days period, as birds do not accept to sudden change in their food. First 3 days feed a mix 3/4 of current food and 1/4 of panchee pick bird food. Next 3 days feed a mix 1/2 of current food and 1/2 of panchee pick bird food. Next 3 days feed a mix 3/4 of panchee pick bird food and 1/4 of current food. From the 10th day you can feed only panchee pick bird food to your pet bird.